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How To Create An App At Low Cost Without Coding?

The world has moved from desktop computers to smartphones, and creating mobile applications is offering a great return on investment. Mobile applications provide a faster and easier alternative to web browsing. In web browsing, the user must start a web browser and enter the URL and wait for the site to load to access the website. This brings the need to create an app for your business.

By contrast, mobile applications are fast and only take a few seconds to start. In addition, as most of the information could be stored in the mobile application itself and it is possible to use it offline.

In the past, there was no alternative but to spend months and thousands of euros developing and launching even the most basic applications. However, in recent years, things have changed dramatically.

Nowadays you can build your own application for little money or for free. Even if it is a visually stunning application and rich in features such as games or e-commerce. All you need to do is use an app builder that allows you to create an app without (or very little) coding. 

Evolution in App Making

evolution to create an app

In the past, custom app design was brought with high costs, design challenges for an easy-to-use experience, and technical limitations, such as the coding required to create an app from scratch

But, in response to the growing demand from companies seeking to have a presence in the environments where their potential customers are (increasingly digital and mobile), no coding platforms have emerged. 

These allow you to build applications without the need to use programming languages, facilitate customization, and allow modifications to be introduced in a very simple and fast way, with high cost-efficiency.

Factors To Reduce Cost

App builder or no coding platforms work in a highly intuitive interface. Its goal is to minimize the development of time and resources by providing reusable components and visibility into application behavior. 

For example, there are platforms that guide business customers step by step to build their own applications. Using elements such as commercial templates, interface components, user experience, and functionalities. Which can be added to an app according to the needs of each company.

It is clear that business apps went from being a  nice to have to a  must-have and that institutions that do not manage to adapt their model to bring this type of solutions closer will be relegated in terms of innovation. It will be more difficult for them to adjust to the dynamics of the market. 

App builder platforms will be the allies that will help these types of companies add innovation to their business models, quickly, intuitively and in a personalized way.

How Much Does It Cost To Create A Custom Mobile App

create an app at low cost

If you wanted to create a custom mobile app 10 years back and you don’t have any coding knowledge then you would have only one option. That is to hire a coder to create an app for you. Although that could easily be arranged somehow. How much would it cost you in total to create a mobile app from scratch and how much time would it require.

All things considered, the charges totally depend on the functionality of your app; it could vary anywhere between $200 to $1000 on average. So, keeping everything in mind what is the ultimate solution to creating mobile apps at low cost without coding skills?

Create An App Without Coding At Low Cost

create an app without coding

Mobile app builders are the solution to creating a mobile app without any coding skills required at a low cost, let’s see how. App builders in contrast to hiring a developer cost much less than you think. Providing all the functionalities to create an app yourself. This would give you the freedom to make changes to your app on the go.

If a developer costs you  $200 for creating an app which might be the lowest rate you would get for a mobile app developer then for example APPSTYLO best free app builder would give you access to create your own app using your own designing skills for $14 per month.

However, keeping aside the cost efficiency that an app builder provides. The developer would at least require a week to code an app for you. Although using an app builder you can create and customize your app within a few minutes. All you have to do is drag and drop the elements and edit them according to your requirements.

Advantage of Using No Coding Platform

Apart from the factors discussed on how much impact it brings to your development using an app builder. There is one core benefit of using an app builder that cannot be ignored. Publishing apps to play / app store.

Not only you can use app builders to create mobile apps without coding at a low cost with time efficiency. However, you can also publish your app to the store providing another competitive edge over building apps through coding.


The reason you are reading this article is probably that you have been thinking about creating a mobile app. But you have no coding skills and have a low budget. In short ultimate solution to all your problems is an app builder, the one which provides all functionalities at a low budget.

We would suggest you utilizing APPSTYLO our easy-to-use and cost-effective app builder. Which helps you create an app using simple drag and drop navigations. If you have any queries regarding how to use APPSTYLO. How to create your first app. What are its different pricing plans do let us know in the comment section down below?

APPSTYLO team is here at your service to serve you at your best.

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